Kawanishi Dojo
Auckland, New Zealand

The TSYR Kawanishi Dojo in Auckland, New Zealand is authorized by the Takamura Ha Shindo Yoshin Kai Honbu Dojo, and is overseen by dojo-cho Jules Robson Sensei who received a Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku in 2022. 

Robson Sensei was an experienced student of modern jujutsu before joining the Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin Kai in 2013. Initially a student of the Yoshin Wadokan Dojo in Hamilton, NZ, in 2015 Robson Sensei asked to form a TSYR Study Group in Auckland, NZ. Robson Sensei continues to coordinate training with the Yoshin Wadokan Dojo and Chris McMahon Sensei, (Chuden Mokuroku) as well as the Tanren Dojo and Adam Smith (Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku) in Townsville, QLD, Australia. 

Jules is a frequent visitor to the TSYR Honbu Dojo as well as well as an avid supporter of TSYR events around the globe.

For more information, contact: Julesrobson@me.com
