Shingetsu Dojo
Nuremberg, Germany

The Shingetsu Dojo is a branch dojo of the Takamura Ha Shindo Yoshin Kai, located in Nuremberg, Germany.  The dojo-cho is Roland Schlaug Sensei, possessing a Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku. 

Roland Schlaug joined the Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin Kai and started a TSYR Study Group in Nuremberg in 2008. In 2010 Roland and a group of students from Germany visited the TSYR Honbu Dojo and attended the annual Shoden Instructors Gassuku. In February 2015 during an annual seminar in Berlin, Roland was awarded a Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku by Threadgill Sensei and the Nuremberg study group designated an official branch dojo, the Shingetsu Dojo. Schlaug Sensei is assisted in the Shingetsu Dojo by Jeurgen Baier who holds a Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku.

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